The LDS Church Visitor's Centre. Just southeast of the designated Temple lot. When I questioned the missionary's about where the Temple will be built exactly they explained that the Prophet revealed that there will be as many as 24 Temples built on the original 166 acres of land. So the designated Temple lot is only a small portion of the land that is to house the Temples.
In the morning we set out early so that we could do the walking tour around various LDS sites near to the Temple lot. As we walked around we were amazed at the number of Churches located within 2-3 blocks of the Temple lot. Not just Churches linked to ours, but other’s – ie. Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Mason’s and other’s I have never heard of. Then there were about 4 other breakaway Churches from the LDS. The Community of Christ Church (RLDS) certainly had the largest representation in the area, with their spiralling Temple dominating the landscape for miles around. As we learnt earlier, this is their headquarters. So I assume that the bulk of their money would be invested in their buildings here. I couldn’t help musing that maybe all the different Churches were there just in case this was the place that the Lord first visits when he comes again.
We chose to do guided tours with the other two main LDS breakaways first. The Community of Christ Temple was impressive to say the least. But in terms of a Temple, it was hard to visualise it as that. I guess my idea of a Temple is a place where sacred ordinances are performed. This place was more like a Tabernacle or a Conference Centre. Which is how it was explained to us. They had just had their General Conference there some two weeks ago, where they had ‘delegates’ come from all over the world to participate. It was broadcast to their 250,000 members worldwide. I saw no evidence of sacred ordinances performed there. We enjoyed the tour and appreciated the education on where their Church was heading, but found little resemblance to anything that the Prophet restored in 1830. In fact my impression was that they were a pulling away from doctrinal issues and embracing of more the broad idea of the brotherhood of man through peace and harmony. However, they do have similarities in that they have a prophet and Apostles, but the similarity ends there. Their recent name change, and focus, has also caused a split within their ranks and the splinter group now refer to themselves as 'The Remnant Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints'.
The Community of Christ Temple (formerly RLDS). Located east of the designated Temple lot. Independence is the worldwide headquarters of their church. They have a membership worldwide of around 250,000.
The second tour we did was more like a one on one discussion with the Church of Christ – The Temple Lot. Also known as the Hedrakites. It was a most interesting discussion we had with the gentleman there, but we came away wondering why they would accept some of the revelations given by Joseph Smith, but not all of them. There were many questions that came to mind as their beliefs were being explained to us. But it was clear that it would have been pointless to go down those avenues. In contrast to the Community of Christ their emphasis is purely on the doctrine and the preservation of it. They seem to be fanatical in emphasising this, but unwilling to accept certain revelations from the Prophet after a certain period of time. Not sure why though. They also reject any notion of modern day prophets since the time of Joseph. Again, not sure why they would then accept Joseph as a prophet but none others after him.
The Church of Christ Temple Lot ( commonly known as the Hederakites) building. Located on the designated Temple lot. They own this lot and believe that this is the exact spot that the Temple will be built. They have a very small membership, mostly within the Independence area - none in Australia.
The minute we entered the LDS Visitors Centre we felt a completely different spirit. In fact that is what really differentiated their presentations from ours. The focus was on the influence of the spirit and it was immediately pointed out to us that we were to seek that influence as we went through the tour. I love that we have that opportunity to immediately identify, by the spirit, what is truth and what is not.
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