Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Entry 4 - A Great and Marvelous Work – Whitmer Farm, Fayette & Hill Cumorah, New York. 9th April, 2007.

The Whitmer home - Dallan doing his heavenly impression of walking on air (in thongs!!!!).

Here we were at the place where it all ‘officially’ started – the Whitmer Farm and the organisation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We met a lovely missionary couple here who shared with us some reflections and stories that we had not heard before. For example, we learned why the Smith family were in such dire financial circumstances that led to their move from Vermont to Palmyra. Though this must have been an incredibly difficult time for the family financially and emotionally, having to move from place to place, relying on the support of extended family and then moving all that way to Palmyra, away from this support, the scene had been set for the restoration of the Gospel. As was pointed out to us, sometimes we don’t realise that the trials that we face are actually directing us into paths that will lead us to greater blessings than we could possibly imagine.

The room that the Organisation of the Church took place in.

There was a lovely feeling in this home and it was nice to reflect on the events of April 6, 1830. We also acknowledged that we were visiting there almost exactly 177 years since that event.

The Hill Cumorah

This is what the Hill Cumorah looked like the day before when we were driving past it for the first time. (Note the icicle hanging from the motorhome at the top of the picture - that's how cold it was).

This cold afternoon found us climbing the Hill Cumorah. The wind was firm and the chill in the air was biting, but that didn’t dissuade us from climbing the face. Every little rock or indent in the ground held our fascination as to whether that may have been the ‘place’. But what held me most was the view from the top. Looking out my imagination took me to a time some 400 years after Christ and what must have taken place at the base of this hill. I could see the strategic points where many battles may have taken place during the closing period of the Book of Mormon. I could see in my mind a struggling Moroni ascending the Hill in search of a good place to lay the plates for a future generation. Again I reflected upon the ripple effect that has had on myself, and millions of other Latter-day Saints. What a great and marvellous work has gone forth from those critical events.

Moroni atop the hill

The view from the top

I can't be sure, but I think we found something!

No, here it is!!!!

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